
We know children learn best by exploring and playing. They need to be active thinkers and experimenters, to learn how things work, and to find out about the world around them. Preschoolers explore their worlds by using all their senses; touching, tasting, listening, smelling and seeing. They really are busy bees! We believe it is our job as teachers to provide the children with the environment and materials to enable learning by doing. We use Creative Curriculum to help with this. 

By the time the children are 4-5 years old, we believe the time is right to introduce some pre-academic experiences. We use the Handwriting Without Tears curriculum to help with the fundamentals and mechanics of handwriting. We use the ZooPhonics curriculum to help with pre-reading development. Finally, we use a more formal social skills curriculum called Second Step to help the children prepare for their expanding social world.

Our most important belief is that the preschool years should be fun, and remembered with affection by children and families.

Preschool Programs

We offer a part-day schedule (9 AM to 3 PM) or a full-day schedule (open from 7 AM to 6 PM).

​For our 2-year-old and 3-year old classes, families may enroll for 5 days per week, or 2 days (Tuesday/Thursday), or 3 days (Monday/Wednesday/Friday).

Our Young 4s and PreK classes are Monday through Friday only. 

Playful Pandas Class

For 2 to 3 year old children

Two teachers & twelve children daily

We learn to:

  • say goodbye to family with confidence​
  • play with eleven friends of the same  age
  • transition between activities
  • enjoy circle time
  • talk to our teachers and friends
  • enjoy art
  • enjoy puzzles
  • play creatively
  • become more independent
  • listen to stories
  • and so much more

Cuddly Tigers and Wonderful Whales Classes

For 3 to 4 year old children

2 classes, one teacher & twelve children daily in each class

We learn to:

  • talk imaginatively with friends
  • play together imaginatively
  • create art
  • make our  beds & put lunches away
  • navigate a classroom with ease
  • do lots  of activities to develop fine motor skills
  • say our numbers, colors, letters, months, days
  • listen and ask questions about stories
  • use our manners
  • be kind to each other
  • make music
  • color, cut, glue, lace, sculpt
  • and so much more

Dolphin Pals, Awesome Owls, & Friendly Otters Classes

For 4 to 5 year old children

2 classes, one teacher with 12 children in each class

We learn to:

  • build with blocks and accessories in complex ways
  • grip our pencil and form our letters properly
  • write our  own name in Title Case
  • sound each letter of the alphabet phonetically
  • create art masterpieces with all sorts of media
  • enter play and exit play with kindness
  • play together, trade toys, & take turns
  • use superb  manners, with strong eye contact
  • navigate a classroom confidently & independently
  • be totally prepared for Kindergarten
  • and so much more

Sample Daily Schedule

7:00-8:00 AM Free play
8:00 Outside play – weather permitting
9:00 Part-time children arrive, restroom, wash hands
9:30  Morning snack
9:45  Circle time (songs, helpers, stories, letters & numbers)
10:00  Art, table toys, fine motor activities, dramatic play, blocks
10:40  Outside play
11:20  Transition to classroom, restroom, wash hands
11:30  Lunch
12:15  Restroom and transition to nap
12:30  Nap/rest time
2:00   Wake up time, table activities
2:20   Afternoon snack
2:40  Closing stories, part-day children go home
3:00  Table toys, restroom
3:30  Outside play
5:00  Audio books
5:15  Wash hands, nibbles
5:30  Play time, parent pick up
6:00 PM Preschool closed

Chapel Time at St. Clare’s

Once a week, the children have Chapel time with the Chaplain of St. Clare’s Preschool. This is a 20-minute story and song time, usually held in the Church. The focus is on how much God loves us, made us, and wants us to love our neighbors too. St. Clare’s welcomes and respects families from many different faith traditions.

 St. Clare’s Preschool     
3350 Hopyard Road 
Pleasanton  CA 94588   
​(925) 462-0938

​​A mission of
St Clare’s Episcopal Church
3350 Hopyard Road
​Pleasanton CA 94588
(925) 462-4802